BIS Quran Lab Fall 2024
BIS Quran Lab invites you to join us on Saturdays, from 10 AM to 1:10 PM, starting August 17th until Dec 14th. We offer three classes: Quran, Islam, and Arabic. We highly recommend the students be enrolled in all three subjects for a holistic understanding of our religion. However, you may mix and match as you please to fit your child’s needs.
We have two levels for Quran. Our certified teachers will determine which level each student is placed.
For Level 1, the first half of Quran class is spent on Al-Qaidah An-Noorania where the students learn the pronunciation (makhaarij) and the second half of class memorizing with a teacher.
For Level 2, the students spend the entire duration perfecting their Tajweed and memorizing each week.
We have three levels of Arabic. For more information on the Arabic classes, click here. Sister Reem Jaber will determine which level each student is placed.
If you would like more information, please contact Sister Hina Zaidi at (806) 317-5881 or
Class Schedule:
For 1st-12th Grade:
Quran: 10 AM – 11:25 AM
Break: 11:25 AM – 11:50 PM
Islam: 11:55 PM – 12:25 PM
Arabic: 12:30 PM – 1:10 PM
For K4/K5, the timing of classes is mixed and spread throughout the three hours to keep the students engaged.